Rain's Rust CLI recommendations

This living document comprises my recommendations for how to organize and manage Rust CLI applications.

In this document, I cover some tips and best practices for writing Rust applications, informed by my experience writing real-world Rust tools. I've focused on command-line tools here, but many of the suggestions can be generalized to graphical and server applications as well. I hope you find them useful for your own applications.

If you haven't gone through the Rust CLI Book yet, I'd recommend reading it first. That book provides a lot of useful information about how to write command-line apps in Rust. This document covers some more advanced material and is more opinionated overall.


This document is hosted online at https://rust-cli-recommendations.sunshowers.io. The source is hosted on GitHub.

This document is available offline by installing git and running the following command while online.

git clone https://github.com/sunshowers-code/rust-cli-recommendations --branch gh-pages

then pointing your web browser at rust-cli-recommendations/index.html.

Pull requests to fix typos or unclear language are welcome! If you have a suggestion for a change to the document, please search through the issues to see if it's been discussed already. If not, please open an issue.

Tip: While reading the book, you can hit the edit button in the top right corner to make a quick change to it.


This document, other than inline code snippets, is licensed under CC BY 4.0. This means that you are welcome to share, adapt or modify this material as long as you give appropriate credit.

Code snippets included in this document are licensed under CC0 1.0. The author(s) have waived all of their rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, to the extent allowed by law.

Picking an argument parser

When you're writing a Rust command-line application, one of the first things you'll have to do is to figure out how to parse command-line inputs. There are a number of different command-line parsers for Rust programs. However, projects should use clap.


  • clap is actively maintained: as of January 2022, clap just came out with a v3 release.
  • clap is the most popular command-line parsing library for Rust, which means that there's an existing ecosystem of projects around clap.
  • clap comes with a number of extra features, such as suggestions based on Jaro–Winkler distance and full configurability of commands and arguments.
  • There are a number of standard conventions for Unix CLIs: see this comment by Stephen Sokolow. clap supports all of them. Another actively maintained project, argh, does not target Unix platforms and so does not support all of these conventions.

Reasons against using clap

  • clap pulls in several dependencies and takes quite a while to build.
  • clap increases binary size significantly.
  • clap is a complex parser with many different options. I've found uses for most of them, but they can be overwhelming.
  • clap version 3 currently has a Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) of Rust 1.54; I personally do not consider this to be a negative but there's some discussions about it. For now, a workaround is to use version 2 of clap, which supports most of the features that clap version 3 does.

Automatically deriving arguments

Projects may turn on the derive feature in clap and use a declarative model to define command-line arguments. (The derive feature is new to v3---users of clap v2 can use structopt, which clap_derive is based on.)

For example:

// Run this binary with:
//    cd code
//    cargo run --bin grep-app -- <arguments>

use clap::Parser;
use std::path::PathBuf;

/// A very simple utility to search for a string across multiple files.
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[clap(name = "grep-app", version = "0.1.0", author = "My Awesome Team")]
pub struct GrepApp {
    /// Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file from which output
    /// would normally have been printed.  Scanning each input file stops upon first match.
    #[clap(long, short = 'l')]
    files_with_matches: bool,

    /// Search string
    search_str: String,

    /// Input files
    files: Vec<PathBuf>,

fn main() {

const EXPECTED_HELP: &str = r#"grep-app 0.1.0
My Awesome Team
A very simple utility to search for a string across multiple files

    grep-app [OPTIONS] <SEARCH_STR> [FILES]...

    <SEARCH_STR>    Search string
    <FILES>...      Input files

    -h, --help                  Print help information
    -l, --files-with-matches    Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file
                                from which output would normally have been printed.  Scanning each
                                input file stops upon first match
    -V, --version               Print version information

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use clap::IntoApp;
    use std::io::Cursor;

    fn test_help() {
        let mut app = GrepApp::into_app();
        let mut cursor: Cursor<Vec<u8>> = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
        app.write_help(&mut cursor).unwrap();
        let help = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap();
        println!("{}", help);
        assert_eq!(help, EXPECTED_HELP);

The doc comments are processed as help text by clap. Here's what the help text looks like:

// Run this binary with:
//    cd code
//    cargo run --bin grep-app -- <arguments>

use clap::Parser;
use std::path::PathBuf;

/// A very simple utility to search for a string across multiple files.
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[clap(name = "grep-app", version = "0.1.0", author = "My Awesome Team")]
pub struct GrepApp {
    /// Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file from which output
    /// would normally have been printed.  Scanning each input file stops upon first match.
    #[clap(long, short = 'l')]
    files_with_matches: bool,

    /// Search string
    search_str: String,

    /// Input files
    files: Vec<PathBuf>,

fn main() {

const EXPECTED_HELP: &str = r#"grep-app 0.1.0
My Awesome Team
A very simple utility to search for a string across multiple files

    grep-app [OPTIONS] <SEARCH_STR> [FILES]...

    <SEARCH_STR>    Search string
    <FILES>...      Input files

    -h, --help                  Print help information
    -l, --files-with-matches    Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file
                                from which output would normally have been printed.  Scanning each
                                input file stops upon first match
    -V, --version               Print version information

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use clap::IntoApp;
    use std::io::Cursor;

    fn test_help() {
        let mut app = GrepApp::into_app();
        let mut cursor: Cursor<Vec<u8>> = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
        app.write_help(&mut cursor).unwrap();
        let help = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap();
        println!("{}", help);
        assert_eq!(help, EXPECTED_HELP);


  • Derive-style arguments are significantly easier to read, write, and modify.
  • Derive-style components can be written once, and reused across multiple commands.

Why not?

  • The derive macro is an optional feature that pulls in extra dependencies and increases build times.
  • The derive macro can be a bit magical. Looking at the source code of clap_derive, or the generated output with cargo-expand, may be useful.
  • The derive macro is less flexible than the builder API. For example, for an argument used multiple times like -v -v -v, the builder API can tell you exactly which position each -v was used in. The derive macro can only tell you how many times -v was used.

Tip: With clap 3, it is possible to combine the builder and derive approaches. For example, clap::Args::augment_args_for_update can be used to flatten a derived list of arguments into a builder-based App.

Command and argument case

Following Unix and GNU conventions, all commands and arguments, except for short arguments, must be in kebab case. This means that:

  • Commands and arguments must be in lowercase.
  • Multiple words must be separated by hyphens: --example-opt, not --example_opt or --exampleOpt.

clap's derive feature and structopt use kebab case by default. If you have an existing command that doesn't follow these rules, you can maintain compatibility by renaming it to the kebab-cased version and retaining the old case as an alias.

Alternatives to clap

  • argh: Actively maintained, and has an explicit goal of being low-overhead at runtime. However, it follows Fuchsia OS conventions rather than Unix ones, so it's missing several crucial features from a Unix perspective.
  • pico-args: Zero dependencies, quick to compile, and negligible impact on binary size. Does not include help generation, derive support, or as many config flags as clap. A great choice for really simple applications.
  • gumdrop: a simple argument parser with derive support. Somewhat less popular than clap, and doesn't support deserializing directly to domain types (clap does).

For a comparison of binary size overhead and build times between these parsers and more, see these benchmarks.

Writing your own parser by hand

You should not write your own parser completely by hand. Instead, most cases are better served by a simple parser like pico-args.

If you must write a parser by hand, consider basing it on the lexopt lexer. Be sure to handle all the standard conventions for Unix CLIs.

Handling arguments and subcommands

For a program that has subcommands, the following code structure is recommended.

// Run this binary with:
//    cd code
//    cargo run --bin grep-app -- <arguments>

use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use clap::{ArgEnum, Args, Parser, Subcommand};

/// Here's my app!
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[clap(name = "my-app", version)]
pub struct App {
    global_opts: GlobalOpts,

    command: Command,

#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
enum Command {
    /// Help message for read.
    Read {
        /// An example option
        #[clap(long, short = 'o')]
        example_opt: bool,

        /// The path to read from
        path: Utf8PathBuf,
        // (can #[clap(flatten)] other argument structs here)
    /// Help message for write.
    // ...other commands (can #[clap(flatten)] other enum variants here)

#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct WriteArgs {
    /// The path to write to
    path: Utf8PathBuf,
    // a list of other write args

#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct GlobalOpts {
    /// Color
    #[clap(long, arg_enum, global = true, default_value_t = Color::Auto)]
    color: Color,

    /// Verbosity level (can be specified multiple times)
    #[clap(long, short, global = true, parse(from_occurrences))]
    verbose: usize,
    //... other global options

#[derive(Clone, Debug, ArgEnum)]
enum Color {

fn main() {
    let app = App::parse();
        "Verbosity level specified {} times",

const EXPECTED_HELP: &str = r#"my-app 0.1.0
Here's my app!


        --color <COLOR>    Color [default: auto] [possible values: always, auto, never]
    -h, --help             Print help information
    -v, --verbose          Verbosity level (can be specified multiple times)
    -V, --version          Print version information

    help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    read     Help message for read
    write    Help message for write

const EXPECTED_READ_HELP: &str = r#"read 
Help message for read

    read [OPTIONS] <PATH>

    <PATH>    The path to read from

    -h, --help           Print help information
    -o, --example-opt    An example option

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use clap::IntoApp;
    use std::io::Cursor;

    fn test_help() {
        let mut app = App::into_app();
        let mut cursor: Cursor<Vec<u8>> = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
        app.write_help(&mut cursor).unwrap();
        let help = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap();
        println!("{}", help);
        assert_eq!(help, EXPECTED_HELP);

    fn test_read_help() {
        let mut app = App::into_app();
        let mut cursor: Cursor<Vec<u8>> = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
        let read_cmd = app.find_subcommand_mut("read").unwrap();
        read_cmd.write_help(&mut cursor).unwrap();
        let help = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap();
        println!("{}", help);
        assert_eq!(help, EXPECTED_READ_HELP);


  • Only the top-level App is public.
  • App is a struct, one level above the command enum.
    • While it is possible to make App an enum with all the subcommands, in my experience this design has always come back to bite me. This has always been because I've wanted to introduce global options later.
  • Liberal use of #[clap(flatten)].
    • This option flattens inline options from a struct into the parent struct or enum variant, or from an enum into a parent enum.
    • This helps break up long series of options into smaller, reusable components that can be more easily processed in different sections of the project's code. For example, Color can be further nested into an OutputOpts struct, defined in a separate output.rs file.
    • It also helps code pass a complex set of arguments around as a single parameter, rather than having to add a parameter everywhere.
  • Global options are marked with #[clap(global = true)].
    • This means that global options like --color can be used anywhere in the command line.
  • Use of ArgEnum.
    • ArgEnum simplifies the definition of arguments that take one of a limited number of values.

The top-level help message is:

// Run this binary with:
//    cd code
//    cargo run --bin grep-app -- <arguments>

use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use clap::{ArgEnum, Args, Parser, Subcommand};

/// Here's my app!
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[clap(name = "my-app", version)]
pub struct App {
    global_opts: GlobalOpts,

    command: Command,

#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
enum Command {
    /// Help message for read.
    Read {
        /// An example option
        #[clap(long, short = 'o')]
        example_opt: bool,

        /// The path to read from
        path: Utf8PathBuf,
        // (can #[clap(flatten)] other argument structs here)
    /// Help message for write.
    // ...other commands (can #[clap(flatten)] other enum variants here)

#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct WriteArgs {
    /// The path to write to
    path: Utf8PathBuf,
    // a list of other write args

#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct GlobalOpts {
    /// Color
    #[clap(long, arg_enum, global = true, default_value_t = Color::Auto)]
    color: Color,

    /// Verbosity level (can be specified multiple times)
    #[clap(long, short, global = true, parse(from_occurrences))]
    verbose: usize,
    //... other global options

#[derive(Clone, Debug, ArgEnum)]
enum Color {

fn main() {
    let app = App::parse();
        "Verbosity level specified {} times",

const EXPECTED_HELP: &str = r#"my-app 0.1.0
Here's my app!


        --color <COLOR>    Color [default: auto] [possible values: always, auto, never]
    -h, --help             Print help information
    -v, --verbose          Verbosity level (can be specified multiple times)
    -V, --version          Print version information

    help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    read     Help message for read
    write    Help message for write

const EXPECTED_READ_HELP: &str = r#"read 
Help message for read

    read [OPTIONS] <PATH>

    <PATH>    The path to read from

    -h, --help           Print help information
    -o, --example-opt    An example option

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use clap::IntoApp;
    use std::io::Cursor;

    fn test_help() {
        let mut app = App::into_app();
        let mut cursor: Cursor<Vec<u8>> = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
        app.write_help(&mut cursor).unwrap();
        let help = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap();
        println!("{}", help);
        assert_eq!(help, EXPECTED_HELP);

    fn test_read_help() {
        let mut app = App::into_app();
        let mut cursor: Cursor<Vec<u8>> = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
        let read_cmd = app.find_subcommand_mut("read").unwrap();
        read_cmd.write_help(&mut cursor).unwrap();
        let help = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap();
        println!("{}", help);
        assert_eq!(help, EXPECTED_READ_HELP);

The help for the read command is:

// Run this binary with:
//    cd code
//    cargo run --bin grep-app -- <arguments>

use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use clap::{ArgEnum, Args, Parser, Subcommand};

/// Here's my app!
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[clap(name = "my-app", version)]
pub struct App {
    global_opts: GlobalOpts,

    command: Command,

#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
enum Command {
    /// Help message for read.
    Read {
        /// An example option
        #[clap(long, short = 'o')]
        example_opt: bool,

        /// The path to read from
        path: Utf8PathBuf,
        // (can #[clap(flatten)] other argument structs here)
    /// Help message for write.
    // ...other commands (can #[clap(flatten)] other enum variants here)

#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct WriteArgs {
    /// The path to write to
    path: Utf8PathBuf,
    // a list of other write args

#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct GlobalOpts {
    /// Color
    #[clap(long, arg_enum, global = true, default_value_t = Color::Auto)]
    color: Color,

    /// Verbosity level (can be specified multiple times)
    #[clap(long, short, global = true, parse(from_occurrences))]
    verbose: usize,
    //... other global options

#[derive(Clone, Debug, ArgEnum)]
enum Color {

fn main() {
    let app = App::parse();
        "Verbosity level specified {} times",

const EXPECTED_HELP: &str = r#"my-app 0.1.0
Here's my app!


        --color <COLOR>    Color [default: auto] [possible values: always, auto, never]
    -h, --help             Print help information
    -v, --verbose          Verbosity level (can be specified multiple times)
    -V, --version          Print version information

    help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    read     Help message for read
    write    Help message for write

const EXPECTED_READ_HELP: &str = r#"read 
Help message for read

    read [OPTIONS] <PATH>

    <PATH>    The path to read from

    -h, --help           Print help information
    -o, --example-opt    An example option

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use clap::IntoApp;
    use std::io::Cursor;

    fn test_help() {
        let mut app = App::into_app();
        let mut cursor: Cursor<Vec<u8>> = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
        app.write_help(&mut cursor).unwrap();
        let help = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap();
        println!("{}", help);
        assert_eq!(help, EXPECTED_HELP);

    fn test_read_help() {
        let mut app = App::into_app();
        let mut cursor: Cursor<Vec<u8>> = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
        let read_cmd = app.find_subcommand_mut("read").unwrap();
        read_cmd.write_help(&mut cursor).unwrap();
        let help = String::from_utf8(cursor.into_inner()).unwrap();
        println!("{}", help);
        assert_eq!(help, EXPECTED_READ_HELP);

Binaries vs libraries

You may expose your application's functionality as a library. Some binaries are simple and don't necessarily need to expose their functionality as a library. Other binaries are more complex, in which case their functionality can be exposed as a library that others can build upon.

Why separate libraries from binaries?

  • For other consumers of the library, clap and other binary-only dependencies are unnecessary.
  • The binary's versioning is separated out from the library's versioning; see Versioning for more.

Reasons against exposing a library

  • Maintaining a library in addition to a binary is hard work. It involves documentation and versioning.
  • In some cases, maintainers can decide to expose their functionality only as a binary to force a looser coupling with downstream consumers.
    • Case study: The presence of the libgit2 and JGit libraries for Git has made it significantly harder to improve Git's data structures. These libraries are tightly coupled to their consumers, which in practice means that Git improvements are tied to the release schedules of commercial projects like Xcode and Visual Studio.
    • Cargo and rustc are not designed to be invoked as libraries. They force loose coupling.

If you've decided to make a library

Note: In this section, "package" means all code scoped to a single Cargo.toml file.

If your code is meant to be uploaded to a registry like crates.io:

  • Binary packages must not expose their library functionality within the same package.
  • The library package must be separated out, with an appropriate name linking the two.

If your code is internal to the workspace:

  • Binary packages should not expose a library within the same package.
  • The library package should be separated out, with an appropriate name linking the two.

Some examples of linked names:

  • my-lib for the library, and my-lib-cli for the binary, if most people are going to use the library.
  • my-app-core for the library, and my-app for the binary, if most people are going to use the binary.
  • my-utility for the library, and cargo-my-utility for the binary, if your program is a Cargo plugin.

There's an intermediate solution possible here, which is to have a single crate that enables being built as a binary with --features=bin. However, you must not do this for code uploaded to a registry, because you lose out on the benefits of having separate versioning. You may use this pattern for code internal to a workspace.

Machine-readable output

Applications may (and in the case of forced loose coupling, should) make their CLI available as an interface not just to humans but to other programs. If you're making your interface available this way, follow these rules:

For lists of strings, programs should provide list output as newline-delimited items.

  • This is most useful for compatibility with existing tools like xargs.
  • If list items are filenames or can have newlines or other in them, programs must provide a -0 flag or similar to list output as null-delimited (\0-delimited) items. Almost all standard Unix commands understand null-delimited output (e.g. xargs --null).

For more complex structured data, programs should accept a flag to provide output (e.g. --output-format, or --message-format if many lines of structured data are printed out).

  • Programs should support at least json machine-readable output.
  • Programs may also provide their output as XML, CBOR, MessagePack, or other self-describing formats.
    • A self-describing format is one where the keys, or some equivalent, are part of the serialized output.
  • Formats like protobuf are suitable as well, if up-to-date IDLs (e.g. .proto files) are published along with releases. One neat trick is to embed them into your binary and add a command to write them out to a given directory.
  • If many lines of structured data are incrementally printed out, prefer a format like newline-delimited JSON. This is the format used by Cargo's --message-format json option.

Programs must not provide their output as bincode or other non-self-describing formats. These formats are unsuitable for interoperability, where stability is paramount.

All machine-readable output must be printed to stdout, not stderr.

Colors must be disabled for machine-readable output.

Within a binary version series, output must be kept stable and append-only. Breaking changes must be gated to an argument (e.g. --format-version 2 or --message-format json-v2). Adding new keys to a JSON map or equivalent is generally considered stable.

Organizing code in binary crates

Within a binary crate, here's the organization that's recommended.


fn main() {
//! Contains command parsers and logic.

use clap::Parser;

#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
pub struct MyApp {
    // Options, subcommands etc
    #[clap(short, long, default_value_t)]
    my_arg: usize,

impl MyApp {
    pub fn exec(self) -> color_eyre::Result<()> {
        println!("The value of my-arg is {}", self.my_arg);


fn main() {
//! Help text for my-app.
//! Can contain information about what the binary does, command-line options,
//! configuration, etc.

mod command;
// ... other modules

// This is the only export from the crate. It is marked hidden and
// is not part of the public API.
pub use command::MyApp;


use clap::Parser;
use my_app::MyApp;

fn main() -> color_eyre::Result<()> {

    let my_app = MyApp::parse();


  • Most of the logic is within command.rs.
    • In general, you should keep lib.rs as minimal as possible, unless your entire library fits in it. That's because all methods and fields in lib.rs are visible to the entire library---code in the top-level module cannot be marked private to the rest of the module.
  • There's a lib.rs separate from the my-app.rs that contains main.
    • There are several advantages to having a lib.rs. In particular, rustdoc doesn't use standard privacy rules if building documentation from main.rs, so private modules are visible in the public documentation.
  • Only the top-level MyApp is exported.
    • The top-level MyApp is all main.rs should generally need to care about.
  • MyApp is marked #[doc(hidden)].
    • The details of MyApp are only meant to be seen by main. The library is not part of the public API. Only the command-line interface is.
  • src/bin/my-app.rs instead of src/main.rs.
    • While src/main.rs works just as well, src/bin makes it harder to accidentally import library code with mod statements.


A library crate, if provided, should follow the usual Rust library versioning rules.

A binary crate should define its public API as consisting of the command-line interface, plus anything else related to the interface that the project's maintainers wish to keep stable.

  • This means that major version changes happen when there are breaking changes to the CLI, not to internal or library code.
  • For example, cargo-hakari's stability policy is to keep the contents of a generated checked-in file the same, unless a config option is turned on or there's a bugfix.

Why? It is easier to avoid making breaking changes to command-line interfaces. Mature projects like GNU coreutils avoid breaking changes to their CLIs for decades.

Tips to avoid breaking changes

  • Make experimental commands available via an environment variable or some other gating mechanism to gather feedback, with a warning that the behavior of these can change at any time.
  • Mark old commands or arguments deprecated, and possibly hide them from help text. Continue to preserve their behavior.
  • If the program persists data on disk, make it possible to do forward transitions but not backward ones. Add a format version to persisted data and increment it every time the data format changes. If an old version of the program reads a format version it does not understand, error out gracefully.

Tip: If you're using GitHub Actions for CI, use the baptiste0928/cargo-install action to install a binary from crates.io, using a cached version if possible. This action lets you specify a version range, which works well with the binary versioning policy above.

Adding colors to applications

Colors and styles can make your command-line applications look nice, and also make output easier to understand by leveraging human pattern recognition. However, adding them requires a significant amount of care.

General recommendations

These rules apply to all command-line programs, not just Rust ones.

  1. Applications should have a global --color option, with the values always, auto (default) and never. If this is specified as always or never, applications must enable or disable colors respectively.
  2. Otherwise, if one of a number of environment variables is specified, applications should do what it says.1
  3. Otherwise, if the output stream (stdout or stderr) is a pipe, applications must disable colors. (Each output stream must be evaluated separately. For example, if stdout is a pipe but stderr isn't, applications must disable colors on stdout but may enable them on stderr.)
  4. Otherwise, applications may enable colors.

2 and 3 are covered by the supports-color Rust library. The exact set of environment variables is too complicated to describe here. See the source code of supports-color for a full list.

It must be possible to disable colors. Some users's terminals may have broken color support; in other cases, pipe detection may not work as expected.


This recommendation is somewhat controversial. See this discussion in the Rust repository for more about this. I generally believe that using environment variables is OK in any output that's not designed to be machine readable.

Color palettes

Terminals may support one of three color palettes:

  • 16 colors: 4-bit color; black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, and a "bright" version of each.
  • 256 colors: 8-bit color; the 16 colors above, a 6×6×6 cube for each of red, green and blue, and 24 grayscale tones. This page by Pádraig Brady has more information about them.
  • Truecolor (16 million colors): 24-bit color; 8 bits for each of red, green and blue. This is the standard that web pages and most monitors support. You may have seen these colors written as e.g. #9b4fd1.

The default color schemes in applications must be restricted to 12 colors: red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and the bright versions of each of these.

  • While the wider palettes are useful for terminal theming controlled by the user, applications must not use them by default. The reason is that users may be using a variety of terminal themes with different backgrounds. Truecolors and 8-bit colors will not render properly with all terminal themes. Light-colored text will fade into a light background, and dark-colored text will fade into a dark background.
  • Most terminals allow you to configure these colors to whatever one pleases. In most themes, these 12 colors are set to contrast with the background. Themes with dark backgrounds set "blue" to be lighter, while themes with light backgrounds set "blue" to be darker. (These examples are from real themes.)
  • The "black" and "white" colors generally do not contrast with the background.

Applications may allow users to set their own color schemes. If users can set their own color schemes, like ls, emacs or vim do, wider palettes of colors be supported. In these cases, users can match their color schemes with their terminal themes.


Terminals use the same escape codes to support both colors and styles---bold, italic, etc.

Applications may use bold text. Almost all terminals support bold text. Some terminals do not support italic text or strikethroughs: you can use them in your applications, but relying on them can cause issues.

Applications must not use blinking text. Blinking text can be distracting or difficult to read for many people. The HTML <blink> tag, which had similar behavior, was removed from web pages around 2013.

TODO: add information about ASCII and Unicode symbols (including emoji) that are safe to use in terminals.

ANSI color codes and Windows color APIs

Most Unix terminals support ANSI color codes. For example, turning the foreground color to "green" involves writing the characters \x1b (ESC), [, 32 (for green), and m to the terminal.

Historically, Windows provided a set of Console APIs for the same purpose. These APIs have since been deprecated, and Windows now supports the same ANSI color codes other platforms do.

Cross-platform applications should not target the Windows Console APIs. Instead, they should rely on the ANSI color code support built into modern Windows terminals. Note that Windows requires ANSI color code support to be initialized: the enable-ansi-support crate does that for you if you're using Rust. Call it early in main.

Managing colors in Rust

There are many Rust libraries for managing terminal colors. You should use owo-colors because it is the only library I've found that meets all of these criteria:

  • actively maintained
  • has a simple, intuitive API
  • minimizes dependencies on global state
  • involves zero allocations

Note: you should not use termcolor because it targets the deprecated Console APIs on Windows—and has a significantly more complicated API as a result.

Instead, you should use a library that just only supports ANSI color codes, and initialize support for them on Windows with enable-ansi-support.

There are two general ways with which color support can be handled. I'm going to call them the "immediate pattern" and the "stylesheet approach", respectively. Library code that supports colors should use the stylesheet approach. Code in a binary crate can use whichever pattern leads to simpler code.

The immediate pattern

This pattern is usually presented in examples and tutorials. It is conceptually quite simple.

Here's an example of what it looks like:

// The owo-colors "supports-colors" feature must be enabled.
use clap::{ArgEnum, Parser};
use owo_colors::{OwoColorize, Stream};

#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct MyApp {
    #[clap(long, arg_enum, global = true, default_value = "auto")]
    color: Color,

#[derive(ArgEnum, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
enum Color {

impl Color {
    fn init(self) {
        // Set a supports-color override based on the variable passed in.
        match self {
            Color::Always => owo_colors::set_override(true),
            Color::Auto => {}
            Color::Never => owo_colors::set_override(false),

fn main() {
    let app = MyApp::parse();

        "My number is {}",
        42.if_supports_color(Stream::Stdout, |text| text.bright_blue())


  • owo_colors::set_override is used to control color support globally. The global configuration only has an effect if if_supports_color is called.
  • println! is paired with Stream::Stdout. If this were eprintln!, it would need to be paired with Stream::Stderr.

While this pattern is sometimes convenient in binary code, it should not be used in libraries. That is because libraries should not print information directly out to stdout or stderr—instead, they should return values that implement Display or similar. Library code should use the stylesheet approach instead.

The stylesheet approach

This pattern involves defining a Styles struct containing colors and styles to apply to a text.

A stylesheet is simply a list of dynamic styles, customized to a particular type to be displayed. Here's an example:

use std::fmt;
use owo_colors::{OwoColorize, Style};

// Stylesheet used to colorize MyValueDisplay below.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Styles {
    number_style: Style,
    shape_style: Style,
    // ... other styles

impl Styles {
    fn colorize(&mut self) {
        self.number_style = Style::new().bright_blue();
        self.shape_style = Style::new().bright_green();
        // ... other styles

pub struct MyValue {
    number: usize,
    shape: &'static str,

impl MyValue {
    pub fn new(number: usize, shape: &'static str) -> Self {
        Self { number, shape }

    /// Returns a type that can display `MyValue`.
    pub fn display(&self) -> MyValueDisplay<'_> {
        MyValueDisplay {
            value: self,
            styles: Box::default(),

/// Displayer for [`MyValue`].
pub struct MyValueDisplay<'a> {
    value: &'a MyValue,
    styles: Box<Styles>,

impl<'a> MyValueDisplay<'a> {
    /// Colorizes the output.
    pub fn colorize(&mut self) {

impl<'a> fmt::Display for MyValueDisplay<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            "My number is {}, and my shape is a {}",

Here's some library code that uses the above stylesheet:

use std::fmt;
use owo_colors::{OwoColorize, Style};

// Stylesheet used to colorize MyValueDisplay below.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Styles {
    number_style: Style,
    shape_style: Style,
    // ... other styles

impl Styles {
    fn colorize(&mut self) {
        self.number_style = Style::new().bright_blue();
        self.shape_style = Style::new().bright_green();
        // ... other styles

pub struct MyValue {
    number: usize,
    shape: &'static str,

impl MyValue {
    pub fn new(number: usize, shape: &'static str) -> Self {
        Self { number, shape }

    /// Returns a type that can display `MyValue`.
    pub fn display(&self) -> MyValueDisplay<'_> {
        MyValueDisplay {
            value: self,
            styles: Box::default(),

/// Displayer for [`MyValue`].
pub struct MyValueDisplay<'a> {
    value: &'a MyValue,
    styles: Box<Styles>,

impl<'a> MyValueDisplay<'a> {
    /// Colorizes the output.
    pub fn colorize(&mut self) {

impl<'a> fmt::Display for MyValueDisplay<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            "My number is {}, and my shape is a {}",

And finally, here's the binary code that uses the library.

use clap::{ArgEnum, Parser};
use my_app::MyValue;
use owo_colors::Stream;

#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct MyApp {
    #[clap(long, arg_enum, global = true, default_value = "auto")]
    color: Color,

#[derive(ArgEnum, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
enum Color {

// This example uses the supports-color crate:
// https://crates.io/crates/supports-color
// MyApp and Color definitions are repeated from the "immediate pattern"
// example above.

impl Color {
    fn supports_color_on(self, stream: Stream) -> bool {
        match self {
            Color::Always => true,
            Color::Auto => supports_color::on_cached(stream).is_some(),
            Color::Never => false,

fn main() {
    let app = MyApp::parse();

    let my_value = MyValue::new(24, "circle");
    let mut display = my_value.display();
    if app.color.supports_color_on(Stream::Stdout) {
    println!("{}", display);


  • Library code is completely unaware of whether the environment supports colors. All it cares about is whether the colorize method is called.
    • Note that the global set_override and unset_override methods have no impact on library code in the stylesheet example.
    • The global methods are only active if if_supports_color is called, as shown by the example for the immediate pattern above. This is by design: most libraries shouldn't reach out to global state.
  • The stylesheet is stored as Box<Styles>. The boxing isn't strictly required, but each Style is pretty large, and a struct containing e.g. 16 styles is 272 bytes as of owo-colors 3.2.0. That's a pretty large amount of data to store on the stack.
  • Styles::default() initializes all the styles to having no effect. The colorize() method then initializes them as required.
  • For custom color support, Styles can be made public. Most library code won't need to give users the ability to customize styles, but this pattern naturally extends to that use case.
  • Use of a separate MyAppDisplay type. The colorize call is isolated to this particular MyAppDisplay, without influencing other display calls.
  • println! is paired with Stream::Stdout. If this were eprintln!, it would need to be paired with Stream::Stderr.


Simple applications are able to accept all their options over the command line, but more complex ones eventually need to add support for configuration files.

Configuration formats

Configuration should be in the TOML format. The TOML format, as a descendant of INI, is widely understood and is easy to read and write for both humans and computers.

YAML may be used if the configuration is complex enough (though in these cases it's often fruitful to devise ways of reducing complexity), or if there are legacy constraints.

Some utilities require more expressive power in their configuration; for example, wezterm uses Lua, while Bazel uses a custom configuration language inspired by Python called Starlark.

Configuration scopes

Depending on the application, the following scopes for a configuration are often seen in practice:

  1. Directory-scoped. Applies to a directory and its subdirectories. Controlled by a file somewhere in this directory or a parent. For example, .gitignore is directory-scoped.
  2. Repository-scoped. Applies to a repository: controlled by a file somewhere in a code repository. For example, clippy.toml is repository-scoped.
  3. User-scoped. A file somewhere in the user's home directory.
  4. System-wide. A file somewhere in a central location on the computer.

Not all applications support all of these: which scopes make sense is a matter of judgment and thinking about use cases. Some server-side applications support fetching configuration from a remote server; they are out of scope here.

If applications support repository-scoped configuration:

  • Applications should put repository-scoped configuration in a .config directory under the repository root. Typically, applications place their configuration at the top level of the repository. However, too many config files at the top level can pollute directory listings.
  • Applications should allow both local and checked-in configuration files. For example, an application myapp should support configuration in both .config/myapp.toml and .config/myapp.local.toml. Entries in ./config/myapp.local.toml must override those in .config/myapp.toml.

If applications support user-scoped configuration:

  • On Unix platforms other than macOS, applications should follow the XDG specification.
  • On macOS and Windows, applications should either use $HOME/.config or the platform-native config directory. On macOS and Windows, the platform-native directories are somewhat harder to access on the command line, so $HOME/.config is a suitable alternative.

dirs is the most actively maintained Rust library for getting the native config directory (and other directories) for every platform.

Applications may read configuration options over the command line and the environment. It is often reasonable to let users override configuration via command-line options and environment variables. If so, then:

  • Environment variables must be prefixed with a unique identifier based on the app. For example, an app called myapp can support a "limit" configuration through a MYAPP_LIMIT variable.
  • Environment variables should also be supported as command-line options. For example, myapp --limit. Command-line options are more discoverable than environment variables. If you actually want your options to be less discoverable, for example if exposing them would increase support load, you can add hidden command-line options.
  • Command-line arguments must override environment variables. An environment variable can be set further up in the environment. A command-line argument expresses user intent most directly.

Hierarchical configuration

Applications should follow a hierarchical configuration structure. Use the following order, from highest priority to lowest.

  1. Command-line arguments
  2. Environment variables
  3. Directory or repository-scoped configuration
  4. User-scoped configuration
  5. System-wide configuration
  6. Default configuration shipped with the program.

Tip: One neat trick is to embed your app's default configuration as a config file within your binary. The default configuration can serve as an example to other users.

There are some exceptions. For example, color support should follow the rules listed in the Colors section.

Configurations may be merged rather than completely overwritten. Consider the following configuration files.

# $HOME/.config/myapp.toml -- user-scoped config
limit = 42

input = "utf16"
output = "latin1"
# <repository>/.config/myapp.toml -- repository-scoped config
limit = 84

input = "utf8"

One way to merge configurations is to combine them, as follows:

limit = 84

input = "utf8"
output = "latin1"

Exactly how deep merges should go is application-specific.

Rust libraries for managing configuration

There are two main Rust libraries for managing hierarchical configuration:

  • config. I've used this for my own projects.
  • figment. Seems high quality, though I haven't used it.

These configuration libraries can be used in combination with serde, so that you can manage hierarchies and merges with dynamically typed variables at the edges of your program, then switch over to well-typed serde structures for validating the config's schema. For how to do this with config, see this example.

Key words

The key words must, must not, required, should, should not, recommended, may, and optional, derive their meanings from RFC 2119, but have somewhat different connotations because this is a list of recommendations and not a standard.

  • must, must not and required mean that an application that doesn't follow this recommendation is incorrect and has a bug that needs to be fixed.
  • should, should not and recommended mean that most applications should follow this recommendation, but there are valid reasons not to.
  • may and optional mean that programs are free to follow this recommendation or ignore it; there are valid reasons in either direction.


Thanks to the following reviewers who read through drafts of this document and provided invaluable feedback:


This page will document significant changes or additions to advice. For the full changelog, see the list of commits on GitHub.

2022-01-21: Initial public version.