
Simple applications are able to accept all their options over the command line, but more complex ones eventually need to add support for configuration files.

Configuration formats

Configuration should be in the TOML format. The TOML format, as a descendant of INI, is widely understood and is easy to read and write for both humans and computers.

YAML may be used if the configuration is complex enough (though in these cases it's often fruitful to devise ways of reducing complexity), or if there are legacy constraints.

Some utilities require more expressive power in their configuration; for example, wezterm uses Lua, while Bazel uses a custom configuration language inspired by Python called Starlark.

Configuration scopes

Depending on the application, the following scopes for a configuration are often seen in practice:

  1. Directory-scoped. Applies to a directory and its subdirectories. Controlled by a file somewhere in this directory or a parent. For example, .gitignore is directory-scoped.
  2. Repository-scoped. Applies to a repository: controlled by a file somewhere in a code repository. For example, clippy.toml is repository-scoped.
  3. User-scoped. A file somewhere in the user's home directory.
  4. System-wide. A file somewhere in a central location on the computer.

Not all applications support all of these: which scopes make sense is a matter of judgment and thinking about use cases. Some server-side applications support fetching configuration from a remote server; they are out of scope here.

If applications support repository-scoped configuration:

  • Applications should put repository-scoped configuration in a .config directory under the repository root. Typically, applications place their configuration at the top level of the repository. However, too many config files at the top level can pollute directory listings.
  • Applications should allow both local and checked-in configuration files. For example, an application myapp should support configuration in both .config/myapp.toml and .config/myapp.local.toml. Entries in ./config/myapp.local.toml must override those in .config/myapp.toml.

If applications support user-scoped configuration:

  • On Unix platforms other than macOS, applications should follow the XDG specification.
  • On macOS and Windows, applications should either use $HOME/.config or the platform-native config directory. On macOS and Windows, the platform-native directories are somewhat harder to access on the command line, so $HOME/.config is a suitable alternative.

dirs is the most actively maintained Rust library for getting the native config directory (and other directories) for every platform.

Applications may read configuration options over the command line and the environment. It is often reasonable to let users override configuration via command-line options and environment variables. If so, then:

  • Environment variables must be prefixed with a unique identifier based on the app. For example, an app called myapp can support a "limit" configuration through a MYAPP_LIMIT variable.
  • Environment variables should also be supported as command-line options. For example, myapp --limit. Command-line options are more discoverable than environment variables. If you actually want your options to be less discoverable, for example if exposing them would increase support load, you can add hidden command-line options.
  • Command-line arguments must override environment variables. An environment variable can be set further up in the environment. A command-line argument expresses user intent most directly.